By Marjorie R. Becker
Publisher: Tebot Bach
The Macon Sex School
Praise for TMSS
"In the poems of The Macon Sex School, Marjorie Becker delivers a gendered syntax that arrives as desire and desire met, all in one gorgeous simultaneity. But resist the temptation to call these poems sly music; they do not exist to disarm. Rather, these super-articulate songs unspool and wind us up, stake claims... They overturn courtesy by channeling it, fiercely. They free us, and they carry us along."
— Dorothy Barresi,
Author of Post-Rapture Diner
Publisher: Tebot Bach
Body Bach
“These poems are just soft enough to seduce, yet ripped from the heart of deep song. Affecting, beautiful, remarkable.”
— Chris Abani
Author of Sanctificum, Copper Canyon Press
Publisher: Tebot Bach
Glass Piano/Piano Glass
“Kaleidoscopic images couple and re-couple in this book-length fugue, lines deep with ravishment...”
— Marsha de la O
Every Ravening Thing, Pitt Poetry Series
Publisher: University of California Press
Setting the Virgin on Fire
In this beautifully written work, Marjorie Becker reconstructs the cultural encounters which led to Mexico's post-revolutionary government. She sets aside the mythology surrounding president Lázaro Cárdenas to reveal his dilemma: until he and his followers understood peasant culture, they could not govern.
Becker brilliantly combines concerns with culture and power and a deep historical empathy to bring to life the men and women of her story. She shows how Mexico's government today owes much of its subtlety to the peasants of Michoacán.
Publisher: University of New Mexico Press
Dancing on the Sun Stone
Marjorie R. Becker places an array of Mexican women who performed an illicit revolutionary dance in a highly restrictive church in dialogue with Nobel Prize winner Octavio Paz’s signature poem, “Sun Stone.”
In that dialogue, the women reveal intimate and intellectual complexities of Mexican women’s gendered voices, their histories, their intimate and public lives. The book also demonstrates the ways these women, in dialogue with Paz, transformed history itself.